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How can your restaurant's washrooms be an important loyalty-building tool ?
February 3, 2025
Some people tend to forget it, but restaurant washrooms are an integral part of the customer experience. A restaurant isn't just about its food; it's also about its atmosphere, its welcome, its service, its music and its toilets.
The gourd to the test
January 16, 2025
Driven by social networking on the one hand, and environmental concerns on the other, the water bottle is making a comeback. More modern, more accessible, they meet a primary need: hydration. But why is it so essential? And how do you choose and maintain them?
Tap water or bottled water : which is better ?
January 6, 2025
While tap water is widely available at a ridiculously low cost, European consumers still seem just as attracted to bottled water. A trend that raises questions about consumer preferences and the environmental impact of bottling.
“I'm ashamed to go to the toilet": is defecation a feminine embarrassment?
December 2, 2024
According to a May 2022 IFOP survey [1] 86% of female and 72% of male employees say they suffer or have suffered from at least one digestive disorder. The survey is called “poop-shaming at work”. Literally, “poop-shaming”. A discomfort that can go as far as parcopresia: the phobia of toilets. Where does this phenomenon come from? What can we do about it? Why should we learn to listen to ourselves more? We explain it all in this article.
World Toilet Day 2024
November 19, 2024
This November 19, we celebrate World Toilet Day. At first glance, the theme may seem like a laughing matter, but it's a real battle that's being fought. “Safe toilets for all by 2030” is one of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG n°6) to which all Member States have committed themselves.
The inequality of toilets access in the public space
October 28, 2024
Les inégalités et disparités entre hommes et femmes, valides et non valides, jeunes et moins jeunes n’ont pas seulement lieu au travail ou dans la sphère publique telle qu’elle est médiatisée. Elles ont aussi lieu dans l’intimité de chacun : aux toilettes. Et si nos petits-coins étaient révélateurs de nos disparités en France ? Zoom sur les toilettes publiques, révélatrices de l'évolution de nos conditions de vie à travers la société. Si l'on considère l'espace public comme un ensemble d'espaces ouverts à tous sans restriction, pourquoi parle-t-on d'inégalités et de disparités ?
The benefits of urban walkability
October 1, 2024
Mot issu de l’anglais « walkability », la marchabilité est un nom (certes, peu élégant) qui permet de définir l’adaptation des environnements urbains au mode de déplacement lent et éco-friendly par excellence : la marche. Aujourd’hui, la marchabilité est au cœur des enjeux sociétaux, environnementaux, urbains, de santé publique et d’inclusivité au sein des villes et villages de France. Source de nombreux bienfaits, l’accessibilité des espaces publics à pied est devenue, au fil des années, un sujet absolument incontournable. Explications.
Life with Chrohn's disease (IBD)
September 23, 2024
Pathologie réputée pour son aspect extrêmement douloureux et le handicap social qu’elle engendre, la Maladie de Crohn touche aujourd’hui de très nombreuses personnes en France. À quoi peut bien ressembler un quotidien avec cette maladie, et comment s’organisent les patients face à des crises violentes et soudaines ? Voici quelques informations pour vous aider à mieux cerner les enjeux de cette situation pas comme les autres.
Specific features and challenges of public school toilets
September 12, 2024
Good or bad memories for all of us, toilets at school remain a taboo subject. And yet, the little corner is indeed the source of ailments big and small. At the very base of Maslow's pyramid [1] this primary need to go to the toilet is not always respected.
How do I find public showers and toilets?
August 6, 2024
If there's one infrastructure that's indispensable to everyone, it's sanitary facilities: visited several times a day for a variety of reasons, whether it's to use the toilet or shower, change a young child or freshen up, their presence is more than necessary for a healthy lifestyle for everyone, and for the community as a whole.
The impact of public toilets on urban quality of life
July 30, 2024
Access to basic sanitation facilities, such as toilets, showers and water points, remains a crucial issue in our modern societies. Nearly half the world's population lives without a toilet, according to a study conducted by La Croix newspaper [1]. This has negative repercussions not only on the health, safety and dignity of individuals, but also on the environment.
JCDecaux new self-cleaning public toilets
June 17, 2024
JCDecaux , the number one outdoor advertising company worldwide, announces the roll-out of the next-generation public toilet for the City of Paris, enhancing the service it provides to citizens as well as the millions of tourists at the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.